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A Course for Creativity
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A Course for Creativity
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00

"The Course For Creativity" is the result of many years of practically applied creative experiences. A culmination of Rainee's decades in creative development and idea sessions, training workshops, working with brilliant artists, writers, actors, musicians, producers, directors, designers, coaches, and songwriters. It's a journey from Passion to Purpose, and works for the individual seeker as well as groups.  

Filled with exercises, wisdom, stories and interactive tools, "The Course For Creativity" is fun for the right brained thinker, and left brained pragmatist.

PRE-ORDER: The Whys Actor
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00

This book about being an actor is from someone who has succeeded and failed many times, and keeps growing and improving as a human first, and actor second. After a self-imposed year-long hiatus Rainee recovered from actor burnout, and she shares insights from that experience that helped her discover her WHYS approach. Learn WHY you choose what your choose, WHY you may feel overwhelmed, and WHY the inherent unwritten rules of acting can mess up your confidence. Then, Learn To Love Yourself as much as You Love Acting.


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Upcoming projects:

Rainee has written the script for a short film about a woman who “lost everything but found herself.”
Looking for producers, director, and DP to go to the next step.